Information covered
Monitor the storage utilization of backed-up physical machines, VMware machines, and network shares.
Go to Statistics > Storage Insights for details of storage utilization for physical machines, VMware machines, and network shares. The storage insights of the machines include the actual utilized storage space, the total number of mounts for file restore and virtualization, and the space used by virtual instances of physical and virtual machines. The NAS share storage section provides the overall network storage utilized and the storage break-up between the NAS and iSCSI shares on the IDrive BMR device.
The Storage section at the extreme right displays the total used space, with a single stacked bar, colored in section to represent the space occupied by physical machines, VMware machines, and network shares. You can view similar information in the Local Storage section of the Dashboard, and click on it to go to Storage insights.
Storage insights
The Storage Insights section displays the following information for physical and virtual machines:
Overall Actual Usage - Displays the actual storage space utilization, which is far less than the backed-up data. The IDrive BMR device employs the de-duplication mechanism and compression in the backend to optimize the storage space.
File Restore - Specifies the number of mounted file restore sessions.
Virtualization - Specifies the number of mounted virtual instances.
Space used by VM(s) - Displays the space utilized by the virtual instances
The following information is displayed for IDrive BMR NAS shares:
Overall Actual Usage - Displays the total space utilized by the network shares on the IDrive BMR device.
NAS Restore - Specifies the number of mounted file restore sessions for NAS shares.
iSCSI Restore - Specifies the number of mounted file restore sessions for iSCSI shares.
Backup statistics
You can monitor the storage statistics of your physical machines, virtual machines, and network shares in the Backup Statistics section.